Thursday, February 2, 2012

Spin class

Well today I took the plunge back into Spin, I needed something to break up the monotony of running and that wasn’t too bad on my knees. A few years ago I had tried spin and I completely swore it off.  I liked the class but it was that damn seat that I could not handle. That was the worst part and EVERYONE told me you get used to it. Yea whatever folks. Something that causes you to feel like you got beat up from the seat and NOT from the actual workout is not worth it to me. Well considering this mission called Operation Chunk Reduction I am on I figured I would give this whole spin class another whirl but not before I got some reinforcements. This week I picked up a gel cover seat for 15 bucks at target and this morning I braved the dreaded spin class.  My day started at 5, yes people 5! Vicky was sick so she was unable to call me but I was able to schlep it out of bed all by myself. I got to my office to check e-mail and then off to spin I went. Everyone in there was all motivated and all I could think about was “how bad is my ass going to hurt from this seat?” I put the gel cover on my seat, adjusted the bike to fit and prepared myself for the inevitable pain. Well I have to admit that it wasn’t as BAD as the first time but it still wasn’t ideal either. My bum hurts but I will go again since apparently you “get used to the seat.”
On top of my seat issue I seriously had to have a pep talk with myself because I contemplated Murder or  suicide today. There was one guy two people over from me in class who would not stop grunting and yelling. You all know the type I’m talking about, the guy in the gym who lifts weights and does the DB screaming and yelling because the weights are too much for him, well this guy was right up there except in Spin form. He sounded like he could be auditioning for and adult film. It was super distracting and annoying but I suppose that’s a good thing because it was a distraction from the pain the seat was giving me.  At the end of class the grunter had to mop up the floor which was covered in all the sweat the flung off him, gross huh? I e-mailed Demon Dominic, the instructor, today to thank him for kicking my ass in Spin and that I would be back on Tuesday for more.
Moral of today’s workout lesson is losing weight doesn’t come easy and will almost always come at a price. I guess for the sake of my knees I will continue to “get used to the seat” and pray that the grunter gets to class late so I don’t have to deal with his sweat and mine.
Hope everyone has a great day and please feel free to leave me a spin story or better yet, WAYS TO DEAL WITH THE SEAT!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What a day!

I know it's been awhile but I have to admit that I have been swamped. My goal for next week is to get better at this blogging thing and post some pictures. EEEEEEEEEEK that makes it real and legit and makes me accountable to all of you. This week has kicked off to a wonderful start. My goal to do two a day workouts has been met, well so far. Thanks to Vicky. She texts me right at 5am and my alarm also goes off. I have no excuse not to do my first workout of the day. I have started with Jillian Michaels 30 day shread. My friend Ashley turned me onto it and I have to admit its killer. Who knew that a 20 minute workout could kick your ass and make you question whether getting up at 5am is worth it. So far so good. After that workout it was off to work (insert 8 hours of work here). Today was unseasonable gorgeous in the DMV. It was 68 degrees when I got in my car, Well I came home grabbed Duke and we went for a short run, give or take a mile and a half. We took a break to visit the pet store and came home. As I mentioned before I am aiming to do 2 a day workouts until at least Vicky's wedding. Well today resulted in 3 workouts. Thats right I worked out 3 times. My friend Allison and I like to get together and when we do we usually go out to eat and that results in some DELICIOUS food and a few beers. Well we decided to take our hanging out into a workout. Tonight we tried something called Kazaxe (ka-za-shey). Basically it was a dance class for an hour. It was AMAZING! WE have decided to make it our Tuesday night thing in order to break up the monotony of running. I wish I could explain it but I think it's best just to show you. Feel free to watch the video I came home drenched in sweat. It was so much fun and although I am exhausted from working out it's all worth it. I am determined to get in shape and live a healthier life and I can tell I am on that path, even though I had a cupcake from Georgetown cupcake today. And although I broke and ate that Allison can vouch that I worked that thing off and more tonight. If you live in the DMV grab a friend and check out the class. It's only 5 bucks people!

Until next time-B

Monday, January 16, 2012

3 day weekend.

Well this weekend was a 3 day weekend for most of us in the DMV and others across the USA. I spent most of the weekend relaxing, which was much needed, but the hightlight was Saturday. I started the morning at Zumba shaking what my mama gave me with my friend Jennie. We danced our tails off. I was having a little bit of rotar issues in my left should so when we did the arm workout I was rocking the one armed crippled look, Jennie managed to laugh at me and crack up laughing. Yes people it was that funny. After Zumba Jennie and I asked our instructor where we could get some brunch at. This chick had the audacity to tell us "Go to Glory days, they have GREAT cheese fries!" Jennie and I about fell out but being the fat kids that we are we went and get wings and beer. But dont worry we went out Saturday night with some other girls and danced the night away. Although we pigged out, we managed to work it mostly off. I consider that a success.

The moral of today's lesson is this, it's OK to eat what you want and not feel guilty about it. Everything in moderation is good. Eat what you want and have fun working out =)

Thanks Jennie, this weekend you motivated me ALOT. Not only did we Dance our Tails off we laughed all weekend as well. So people laugh alot cause the more you do the more calories you burn, I think that I laughed the calories in the cupcake I ate today.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A little more reason behind this blog.

Most people don’t know this about me but I am taking photography classes for shits and giggles. It’s something that I have always wanted to do and I actually enjoy it. It’s nice to get out of the house and do something productive, especially since its cold here in the DMV (DC, Maryland and VA for you out of town folks) and this is when I usually go into hibernation not to be seen until spring. Well Thursday night my professor asked us to decide what we wanted to do for our final project. Thinking of what to do for projects is ALWAYS difficult for me not to mention finding people who actually want to get their picture taken is a whole other issue. I was sitting there in class, still in my workout clothes from my sprint session that afternoon, and figured why not?
I started getting back into the workout mode back in October. I have access to FREE personal training through my office as well as a gym to use for free. I met with a trainer once and used his workout for about 6 weeks to get me started. It was the kick start that I needed. Since then I have gotten more motivated and my friends have even given me things to do, support and goals to work towards.
This year is a big year for me. Two of my really good friends and one of my cousins are getting married this year and  I will be turning 30 in April!!!!! Three decades old. For the last five years I have been telling myself that I am going to lose the weight I put on when I got back from Iraq by my next birthday. Although that goal has not been met in the past it will be met this year if it KILLS ME! I know that having a magic number is not realistic because muscle weighs more then fat blah blah blah. So I have completely surrendered the “magic, goal weight” idea to different goals. I want to be able to sit and not have anything fold (hello gut). I want to be able to run and not have anything jiggle in a nasty gross way (wobble wobble) . So screw what the scale says I want to have clothes that fit, get my 3 mile run time down to what it was in bootcamp, and do a pull-up with a 70 second flex arm hang.


Friday, January 13, 2012


This blog is dedicated to every “fat kid for life” out there. Everyone has their own body image issues and goals for getting back in shape and taking their life back. I know for one I fall into that category. Feel free to laugh, cry, get mad and motivate me. This is going to be a long road but I know with all of you motivating me and me using this as an outlet to vent (pictures included) I will achieve success.
Cheers to taking my life back!!!!